Monday, January 7, 2013

Biology 172

Prokaryote Genomes
Pro=1 (one-celled organisms like bacteria)
Virus= virion= nucleic acid enclosed in protein shell which is a capsid, therefore not a true prokaryote.
Viral Genomes can be:
 DNA viruses
                Double strand DNA
                Single strand DNA
RNA viruses
                Double strand RNA
                Single strand RNA

Genes are placed along DNA
Some important chemical reactions that occur with the translation and transcription of DNA and RNA make the product tryptophan.
*An important subject to study up on is "operons" and their functions
The main theme for this quarter will be evolution and ecology
Evolution: naturally selects variable genes to survive the future or surrounding elements
Bacteria consist of: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids
Their cell wall is carbohydrate material
Nucleus has a phospholipid bilayer
Viruses are not true prokaryotes because
·         they need a host to reproduce
·         they take over host's DNA replication
Makes viral DNA--> goes under "self-assembly"-->erupts out of cell membrane to attack other cells
Viruses are very good at mutation and they become immune to the anti-viruses.
*See Table  19.1 for a list of viruses and their functions
Envelope viruses have glycoproteins that penetrate into the membranes of other cells.

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